How to Manage Holiday Gift Expectations

No one wants to come across as Scrooge during the holidays, but without managing holiday gift expectations, many people wind up saying, “Bah Humbug!” When we fail to manage holiday gift expectations, we tend to spend more than we should, and find ourselves in debt well...

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the 4th of July

The 4th of July: Then and Now

Americans have celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July since 1776, even though the Declaration of Independence wasn’t signed until August 2, 1776. There is a lot of fun history to learn about the 4th beyond the confusing sequence of...

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10 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas

The holiday season is stressful, but you’ve still got time to rein in the crazy and enjoy a stress-free Christmas. Instead of rushing around and trying to create as many magical memories as possible, treat this day like the finish line. You’ve made it. You survived the...

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25 Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season

There is always a big push to give back during the holiday season. And sometimes the pressure to do so can be overwhelming.  You might be worried about not having enough extra time or money, but there are countless ways to give back this holiday season. This...

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10 Ways to Avoid Holiday Burnout

Holiday burnout: We always say we won’t let it happen to us another year, yet every year, we find ourselves worn out.  Holiday burnout is a real thing, with 1 in 3 Americans experiencing it by mid-December.¹  Consider the following results from a survey by JoyOrganics:² 88%...

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Early Holiday Shopping Tips for 2022

For most of our lives, the holiday shopping season has run from Black Friday to Christmas Eve. But those days are done. Just walk into a Hobby Lobby, and you’ll be greeted by Christmas decorations in September. It may drive you crazy to see “Christmas” everywhere before Halloween,...

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rainy 4th of July

7 Ways to Save a Rainy 4th of July Celebration

People tend to associate Independence Day with outside fun, but what happens if the weather is calling for a rainy 4th of July? Sure, it’s disappointing. You probably had plans to grill out, play in the pool, and watch fireworks. What are you supposed to do...

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5 Simple Ways to Unplug at Christmastime

Christmas should be the most wonderful time of the year, but that won’t happen unless you slow down and unplug at Christmastime.  You may be saying, “Unplug at Christmastime? That’s impossible!” There is just so much to see, and the fear of missing out is real.  But where...

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